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Information about Seroflo.

The precise mechanisms of fluticasone propionate action in asthma are unknown. Inflammation is an important component in the pathogenesis of asthma. Corticosteroids have been shown to inhaleribit multiple cell types (e.g..mast cells.eosinophils.basophils.lymphocytes.macrophages.and neutrophils) and mediator production or secretion (e.g..histamine.eicosanoids.leukotrienes.and cytokines) involved in the asthmatic response. These anti-inflammatory actions of corticosteroids contribute to their efficacy in asthma.

Salmeterol xinafoate (a derivative of Salmeterol) is reported as an ingredient of Seroflo in the following countries.

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The active ingredients in Seroflo Inhaler are salmeterol xinafoate and fluticasone propionate.

Q. Will my drugs be shipped in a discreet package? A. Yes! All goods.including SEROFLO.are packaged discreetly. The SEROFLO cannot be identified from the packaging. We do not include company logo’s etc on the outside of the package.

SEROFLO Rotacaps is a combination of fluticasone propionate.a synthetic corticosteroid.and salmeterol.a selective.long-acting beta 2 -agonist. Fluticasone propionate is a synthetic.trifluorinated glucocorticoid with potent anti-inflammatory activity. Salmeterol is a selective long-acting beta 2 –order seroflo multihaler agonist with duration of action of at least 12 hours.

Seroflo inhaler is manufactured by Cipla.India. You can buy Seroflo inhaler 25 mcg +125 mcg online from

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