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Information about Tenormin.

Information on concurrent usage of atenolol and aspirin is limited. Data from several do not suggest any clinical interaction between aspirin and beta blockers in the acute myocardial infarction setting.

A. Atenolol is considered safe and effective to treat certain long-lasting/permanent cardiovascular (heart) conditions.such as high blood pressure and angina (chest pain). Some patients experience side effects while taking atenolol.such as dizziness.lightheadedness.tiredness.drowsiness.depression.nausea.diarrhea. If these side effects do not go away.patients should contact their physician or health care provider. Uncommon.but serious side effects from atenolol include shortness of breath. swelling of the hands.feet.ankles.or lower legs. unusual weight gain. order tenormin 50mg. If these side effects are experienced.patients should contact their physician or health care provider right away. This information is order tenormin 50mg educational.

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Atenolol use in the second trimester of pregnancy has been associated with birth of babies who are smaller than normal. Also.newborns of mothers who took atenolol at the time of birth may be at risk of hypoglycemia (lower than normal blood sugar levels) and bradycardia (slower than normal heartbeat).

Tenormin is well tolerated. In clinical studies.the undesired events reported are usually attributable to the pharmacological actions of atenolol.

While atenolol causes few central nervous system side effects.such as depression and has been identified as increasing the risk for type 2 diabetes.

Heart disease (coronary artery disease) occurs when plaque builds up in the coronary arteries.the vessels that supply blood to.

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